Ibm System P5 Serial Connection For Direct

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Code: 01 N V=FTAgain, if you see HMC=0 then you need to do a factory reset (HMC=1 means an HMC is connected, HMC=0 means system knows about HMC's but none are connected).I have some 'ancient' youtube films - not the highest picture quality, and silent! - but these two should help you out.Note: with ASMI you can do the actions on either the serial port OR via a browser (connected via the HMC labeled ports - these are to the SP - Service Processor).Setup IP address via Serial PortFactory ResetHope this helps! First of all thank you MichaelFelti tried to many times to connect to ASMI using serial port to USB but no luck i get only a black screen on puttyi tried ASMI from HMC i managed to login on ip i changed the NIC ip and tryd to ssh i couldn't logint, so i tried to go back to ASMI using the old ip i couldn'tso i gave up on that and installed HMC on vmware, HMC working fine, but i cant add the server to HMC because i don't know it ip address or host name.i know there is a button to rest the HMC ip address on the server but i looked for it couldn't find it.any advice? I have to look deep in memory.The default address is if I recall correctly - on eth0 (HMC0)The second interface might still be 'unused' at default DHCP - their default is to use DHCP, so if you have a DHCP server you could attach both ports and watch what address the DHCP server assigns.USB PC to serial? What speeds did you try? I think it needs to be 19200, 8bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.For the IP address with Power7 (and maybe Power6) follow:Although this link also gives the as default address for Power5 and Power6.Found some old embedded texts: the POWER5 defaults MAY be or they may be still using DHCP to connect.

  1. Serial Connection For Routers

Serial Connection For Routers

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In that case, get your HMC (virtual) setup to be a DHCP server and provide a direct line between HMC and Power system. The HMC should 'discover' - by assigning it - the IP address of the POWER system.Good luck with the password for account admin. Pc download iran.