Conformity Conflict Spradley 14th Edition
.Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology. DescriptionFor courses in Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyExplore Culture and its Influence on Human LifeConformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology seeks to teach students the importance of culture and its influence on human life. By including examples of Western, North American cultures, the text makes cultural understanding and comparison more relatable to student audiences. The inclusion of current information and articles allows students to connect with major anthropological concepts through relevant events.The Fifteenth Edition reflects the changing nature of the discipline of anthropology by shifting its focusing to the more concerning issues of today. Useful features like a glossary of key terms help students understand basic concepts discussed in the readings. Articles throughout the text touch on all major subfields, including environmental, global, and medical topics, giving students a comprehensive introduction to the field.Also available with MyAnthroLab ®MyAnthroLab for Cultural Anthropology courses extends learning online, engaging students and improving results.
Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they’ve learned. And the Writing Space helps educators develop and assess concept mastery and critical thinking through writing, quickly and easily. Please note: this version of MyAnthroLab does not include an eText. Up-to-Date information relates the topic of cultural anthropology to modern events. Seven articles have been added to the text, and five selections have been brought back from previous editions. Four of these articles have been written specifically for the fifteenth edition. REVISED and UPDATED!
Eight articles in this edition have been strengthened with new, relevant information. UPDATED! Part 1: Culture and Ethnography has revised and updated definitions and examples throughout. It also includes a revised article by George Gmelch. UPDATED!
Part 2: Language and Communication includes new definitions and examples. UPDATED!
Part 3: Ecology and Subsistence. An article by Susan Crate on climate change in Siberia is included. UPDATED! Richard Reed’s article on forest development has new information.
Nathan Williamson’s article on illegal logging has been brought back from previous editions with revised definitions and examples, and now introduces climate change as a new definition. UPDATED! Part 4: Economic Systems. An article on technology and gender division of labor in U.S. Coal mines is included.
REVISED! The introduction includes new examples and definitions. The concept of neoliberalism is introduced with a link drawn between events in Malawi and World Bank interventions. UPDATED! Part 5: Kinship and Family. Article on how males and females attain social adulthood in Guinea, West Africa.
UPDATED! David McCurdy’s article on family kinship in India has new information. UPDATED! Definitions and examples have been changed throughout. UPDATED! Part 6: Identity, Roles, and Groups.
An article looks at a Catholic, Spanish woman’s conversion to Islam through marriage in Europe. An article by David McCurdy describes the role of groups in American society, looking at how they function to meet social needs and how they are maintained. UPDATED! Dianna Shandy and Karine Moe’s articles reflect recent trends and the latest economic data about women’s decision regarding work and family. UPDATED!
Part 7: Law and Politics. An article by Carolyn Nordstrom discusses illegality and the informal economy, linking the local with larger in econo-political processes.
UPDATED! Elizabeth Eames’s article on navigating Nigerian bureaucracy based on “who you know” rather than “what you know” has been brought back from previous editions.
UPDATED! Law and Order by Spradley and McCurdy has been brought back from previous editions. UPDATED! Part 8: Religion, Magic, and Worldview.
Original feature by Rachel Mueller discusses the lover spirits in Senegal, describing the relationship between this belief system and Islam and argues for their existence well into the future. UPDATED! George Gmelch’s article Baseball Magic reflects new developments in the field. UPDATED! Definitions and examples have been updated throughout. UPDATED! Part 9: Globalization has been updated to provide new examples.
It also introduces and defines the concepts of social and financial remittances and diasporas. UPDATED! Diana Shandy’s article reflects the recent turn towards violence in the newly independent South Sudan. UPDATED! Part 10: Using and Doing Anthropology has been retitled to better reflect the purpose of this section; the introduction has been revised accordingly. UPDATED!
Sonia Patten’s work on nutrition and applied medical anthropology has been brought back from previous editions. UPDATED! Rachel Stryker’s chapter on public interest anthropology at work in the study of health services afforded to two women in California prisons has been updated to reflect new developments.
UPDATED! David McCurdy’s article on using anthropology has also been updated to reflect new developments in the field, specifically based on the use of anthropology in business settings. Table of ContentsPART I: CULTURE AND ETHNOGRAPHY1. Ethnography and Culture by James P. Eating Christmas in the Kalahari by Richard Borshay Lee3.
Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS by Claire E. Nice Girls Don’t Talk to Rastas by George GmelchPART II: LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION5. Shakespeare in the Bush by Laura Bohannan6. Manipulating Meaning: The Military Name Game by Sarah Boxer7. Conversation Style: Talking on the Job by Deborah TannenPART III: ECOLOGY AND SUBSISTENCE8. The Hunters: Scarce Resources in the Kalahari by Richard Borshay Lee9.
Illegal Logging and Frontier Conservation by Nathan Williamson10. We Are Going Underwater by Susan A. Forest Development the Indian Way by Richard K. ReedPART IV: ECONOMIC SYSTEMS12. Reciprocity and the Power of Giving by Lee Cronk13. Poverty at Work: Office Employment and the Crack Alternative by Philippe Bourgois14. Women in the mine by Jessica Smith Rolston15.
Malawi Versus the World Bank by Sonia PattenPART V: KINSHIP AND FAMILY16. Mother’s Love: Death Without Weeping by Nancy Scheper-Hughes17.
Family and Kinship in Village India by David W. Polyandry: When Brothers Take a Wife by Melvyn C. Marriage and Adulthood in West Africa by Susanna FiorattaPART VI: IDENTITY, ROLES AND GROUPS20. Negotiating Work and Family in America by Dianna Shandy and Karine Moe21. Becoming Muslim in Europe by Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar22. Mixed Blood by Jefferson M. Motorcycles, Membership, and Belonging by David W.
McCurdyPART VII: LAW AND POLITICS24. Cross-Cultural Law: The Case of an American Gypsey by Anne Sutherland25. Law and Order by James P. Spradley and David W.
Navigating Nigerian Bureaucracies by Elizabeth A. Illegal Economics and the Untold Story of the Amputees by Carolyn NordstromPART VIII: RELIGION, MAGIC, AND WORLDVIEW28. The Worst Lover: Boyfriend Spirits in Senegal by Rachel Mueller29: Baseball Magic by George Gmelch30. Run for the Wall: An American Pilgrimage by Jill Dubisch31. Body Ritual Among the Nacirema by Horace MinerPART IX: GLOBALIZATION32.
How Sushi Went Global by Theodore C. Village Walks: Tourism and Globalization Among the Tharu of Nepal by Arjun Guneratne and Kate Bjork34. Nuer Refugees in America by Dianna Shandy35. Global Women in the New Economy by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell HochschildPART X: USING AND DOING ANTHROPOLOGY36. Advice for Developers: Peace Corps Problems in Botswana by Hoyt S. Medical Anthropology: Improving Nutrition in Malawi by Sonia Patten38. Public Interest in Ethnography: Women’s Prisons and Health Care in California by Rachael Stryker39.
Using Anthropology by David McCurdy. About the Author(s)David W. McCurdy has been a professor of Anthropology at Macalester since 1966, acting as chair of the department for extended periods since 1969.
He was the first recipient of the American Anthropological Association/ Mayfield Award for Undergraduate Teaching (1997), and he was the subject of an article in 1977 by Change Magazine for innovative teaching in anthropology. Professor McCurdy received a B.A. From Cornell University in 1957, a Masters in Anthropology from Stanford University in 1959, and a Ph.D. In Anthropology from Cornell Univeristy in 1964.He completed a major ethnography (1961-1963), then restudy (1985, 1991, 1994) of a Bhil tribal community in Rajasthan, India. He has also conducted a cross-cultural study of spirit possession (1966-1967). His ethnographic studies have examined corporate managers (1983), stockbrokers (1980), Jehovah witnesses (1973), as well as members of an environment movement (1968-1969). He has also performed continued ethnography (1988-1999) on a national motorcycle association.Dianna Shandy is Professor of Anthropology at Macalester College, where she has been teaching since 1999.
She earned a Ph.D. And Masters in Anthropology at Columbia University and a B.S. In Languages and Linguistics with Certificates in African Studies and Russian Area Studies at Georgetown University. Her work spans U.S.
And international settings, with broad research and teaching interests in gender, migration, political conflict and violence, and research methods. Specific research projects have explored college-educated women negotiating work and family in the United States, African asylum seekers in Ireland, and the Nuer (South Sudanese) diaspora.James Spradley was a professor of Anthropology at Macalester College from 1962 until his passing in 1982. He was a prolific author who wrote or edited 20 books in 12 years.
He made especially notable contributions to the literature on ethnography and qualitative research.
An ideal complement to standard anthropology texts or as a stand-alone text/reader, the best-selling Conformity and Conflict continues to offer students an in-depth look at anthropology as a powerful way to study human behavior and events. The 37 articles cover a broad range of theoretical perspectives and demonstrate basic anthropological concepts. The twelfth edition An ideal complement to standard anthropology texts or as a stand-alone text/reader, the best-selling Conformity and Conflict continues to offer students an in-depth look at anthropology as a powerful way to study human behavior and events. The 37 articles cover a broad range of theoretical perspectives and demonstrate basic anthropological concepts. The twelfth edition retains the accessibility of the previous editions and the view that anthropology provides a fascinating perspective on the human experience.
Focus on the current concerns in both anthropology and American society shapes the twelfth edition, including globalization, the study of women's lives, race and ethnicity, and the practical applications of anthropology and the ways it leads to everyday careers. The revised table of contents reflects the suggestions of Conformity and Conflict users.
Conformity And Conflict 15th Pdf
Thirty percent of the readings are either revised or entirely new to this edition. Nine new articles appear in this edition of Conformity and Conflict, three of which were expressly commissioned for this edition. Four articles have been updated for this edition. And world systems on human social life, and to human change in increasingly large and complex societies. An entirely NEW section on globalization includes three new articles that introduce readers to key concepts - how popular culture spreads to different societies, the processes by which cultural artifacts, social structures, and how ideas are adopted and changed as they reach new societies. This book is a collection of cultural scenarios and ethnographic studies undergone within different areas of study;the text doesn't present itself as textbook lingo, rather its more like adrenaline parts of a journeyer's blog highlights. You'll learn so much about societal structures, and humans capacity and flexibility in language,learning, and emotions.You will quickly want to turn the page to learn more about whats being uncovered and reviewed.
Conformity Conflict Spradley 14th Edition Book
The accounts are eloquently structured and the This book is a collection of cultural scenarios and ethnographic studies undergone within different areas of study;the text doesn't present itself as textbook lingo, rather its more like adrenaline parts of a journeyer's blog highlights. You'll learn so much about societal structures, and humans capacity and flexibility in language,learning, and emotions.You will quickly want to turn the page to learn more about whats being uncovered and reviewed.