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Full text of 'WOLFRAM WETTETMK$UIED BY DLBUHflK lULAIi SCIINLIDLHTHE WEHRMACHTTHE WEHRMACHTHISTORY, MYTH, REALITYWOLFRAM WETTETRANSLATED BY DEBORAH LUCAS SCHNEIDERHARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESSCambridge, MassachusettsLondon, EnglandCopyright © 2006 by the President and Fellows of Harvard CollegeAll rights reservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaFirst Harvard University Press paperback edition, 2007Originally published as Die Wehrmacht — Feindbilder, Vernichtungskrieg, Legenden,© S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 2002.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataWette, Wolfram, 1940—Wehrmacht. EnglishThe Wehrmacht: history, myth, reality / Wolfram Wette;translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider,p. Cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN-13 978-0-674-02213-3 (cloth: alk. Paper)ISBN-10 0-674-02213-0 (cloth: alk.

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Paper)ISBN-13 978-0-674-02577-6 (pbk.)ISBN-10 0-674-02577-6 (pbk.)1. Germany— Armed Forces — History — 20th century2. World War, 1939—1945 — Germany. W 7 orld War, 1939- 1945 — Atrocities.4. Nationalism — Germany — History 5.

Heer — Officers — History.1. Title.D757.W4313 200694°-54' 1 343 — dc604ContentsPreface by Peter Fritzsche viiForeword by Manfred Messerschmidt xvList of Abbreviations xix1. Perceptions of Russia, the Soviet Union,and Bolshevism as Enemies i2.

Anti-Semitism in the German Military 253. The Wehrmacht and the Murder of Jews 904. Generals and Enlisted Men 1395.

The Legend of the Wehrmacht's 'Clean Hands' 1956. A Taboo Shatters 2517. Conclusion 292Notes 299Index 361PrefacePeter Fritzsche'History,' Gunter Grass has written, 'the history we Germanshave repeatedly mucked up' over the course of the twentieth cen-tury, 'is a clogged toilet. We flush and flush, but the shit keeps ris-ing.'

Grass despairs in the most exasperated language about the abil-ity of Germans to come to terms with their Nazi past. He is certainlyright to indicate that the German past has not gone away. Germanslive every day with the consequences of World War II and the Holo-caust.

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But Grass is wrong to insinuate that Germans today are tryingto get rid of the past or have not learned from it. In the late 1990s, ina truly extraordinary demonstration of public interest, tens of thou-sands of Germans visited the photographic exhibition 'War of Ex-termination: The Crimes of the Wehrmacht, 1941—1944.' More ef-fectively than any other work of history, the exhibit opened up adifficult and productive debate on the role of ordinary Germansin the murder of innocent civilians during World War II. Organizedby the Institute for Social Research in Hamburg, 'War of Extermi-nation' showed photograph after photograph of German soldiersrounding up and killing Jewish men, women, and children in townsacross Poland, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia. In the streets, onhastily erected gallows, along the edges of forest, perpetrators andvictims occupied the same photographic space. After fifty years, afew dozen photographs eliminated at once the distance of time andplace and of selective memory. Facsimiles of military documents aswell as excerpts from the letters and diaries of Wehrmacht soldiersadded to the powerful message that the organizers hoped to convey:viiVlll PREFACEthe German army was complicit in the murder of Jews and other ci-vilians.

The exhibit showed that it was more than just a few unitsthat were guilty of war crimes, and that partisans were not the onlycivilians the Wehrmacht killed.The Wehrmacht exhibit opened in Hamburg in March 1995 andeventually toured thirty-three cities in Germany and Austria beforeit was disassembled at the end of 1999. It prompted an extensive na-tional debate about complicity and about the writing and rewritingof history. The outpouring of newspaper commentaries and lettersto the editor, and sometimes tearful, sometimes defiant testimony byveterans themselves, followed by conferences, panel discussions, tele-vision shows, and finally some corrections to the installation itself,did not provide closure. Rather, the photographs and documentsposed new questions about the German army and challenged widelyheld assumptions which distinguished between the millions of Ger-mans in the 'clean' Wehrmacht and the hundreds of thousands ofculpable Nazis in the killing squads of the SS. 1 Even the Germanparliament debated the 'War of Extermination' exhibit.

In March1997, lawmakers from all parties participated in a remarkably per-sonal discussion in which they recollected family histories, exposedtheir own misunderstandings and distortions, and, most important,listened to one another. Thanks to the Wehrmacht exhibit, Germansbroke the cycle of reiteration and repetition.The exhibit touched a very raw nerve. Almost 20 million Germanmen served in the Wehrmacht in the years 1939—1945. It was truly apeople's army. Any indictment of what military units in the field didto civilians was an indictment of masses of ordinary Germans, thefathers of friends and neighbors.

'Young and old may well have pre-ferred to identify with the victims as they had done on other occa-sions,' reflected Michael Geyer, 'but here they recognized them-PREFACE IXselves as killers of unarmed men, women, and children.' 2 Indeed,much of the evidence of the Wehrmacht's participation in atrocitiescame from soldiers themselves, who seemed eager to bear witness totheir acts. A series of photographs held in the United States Holo-caust Memorial Museum (but not featured in the exhibition) showsWehrmacht soldiers assembling and shooting Jewish civilians andthen browsing through the pictures they have taken of the grislyevents. These snapshots may well have been tucked away in the per-sonal belongings of soldiers at the front or sent back home to rela-tives as souvenirs. 5 Now they are evidence of the extensive criminalactivity of the Wehrmacht and of the broad knowledge and accep-tance of that activity in everyday life.The exhibit provoked an uproar because it undermined the waysin which postwar Germans had managed to come to terms with thevery difficult legacy of the Nazi period.

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While no one disputed thefacts of the Holocaust, the record of the Wehrmacht was regarded asrelatively 'clean.' The distinction between the many 'good' Ger-mans in the Wehrmacht and the far less numerous 'bad' Germansin Nazi organizations had allowed the postwar generations both torecognize complicity and to contain complicity. Indeed, ordinary sol-diers of the Wehrmacht were often perceived as victims themselves,the unwilling instruments of a Nazi-inspired race war and the bear-ers of its horrors on the eastern front. In the collective memory ofthe war, the accent fell not on 'Barbarossa,' the operational codename for the German invasion of Russia in June 1941, but on Stalin-grad, the battle site everyone knew as the place where so many sol-diers on both sides suffered and died in the winter of 1942—43 andthe location from which so many German prisoners, more than onehundred thousand in all, were taken, the vast majority never to re-turn home.

The Wehrmacht exhibit disputed this vision of GermanX PREFACEsoldiers as victims only by putting Stalingrad back in the context ofGermany's race war against the Soviet Union and reconnecting it to'Barbarossa.' It showed very graphically what the German SixthArmy did to civilians in Kiev and Kharkov in the autumn of 1941 onits way to Stalingrad. 4 Other photographs depicted the victims, civil-ian faces on identity papers confiscated in the war. As a result of theexhibition and the publicity surrounding it, the Wehrmacht wasidentified as a perpetrator. The immensity of that judgment fellhard on the contemporary Germans who crowded the exhibit. Ques-tions of participation in wartime atrocities proved to be far morevexing than simply establishing who had or had not been a Nazi, be-cause it was not official party members but young army recruits intheir twenties who were the killers. The Wehrmacht exhibit forcedthe issue of war crimes into German homes, often for the first time.One newspaper ran an article titled 'The Catastrophe and the Fam-ily' as the exhibit traveled to Bonn, the 'twenty-eighth station' ofthis difficult journey.

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5 No new consensus emerged, but thousandsupon thousands of Germans were prompted to question ready-madestereotypes and cherished assumptions both about the Nazi past andabout the way they had come to explain it in the decades since 1945.Wolfram Wette's new book on the Wehrmacht in World War IIhelps to clarify these murky images from the German past. It is a so-ber, angry indictment of the German army and its involvement inatrocities against Jews and other civilians. It is also an analysis ofwhy this evidence was denied and replaced by the myth of the'clean Wehrmacht.'

Wette exposes the lies of the past and explainshow the general silence about the war crimes was finally shatteredby the Wehrmacht exhibit. He reveals the Wehrmacht to have beena willing partner in the Nazi regime's genocidal plans for the ra-cial restructuring of Europe. First in Serbia and then in the So-PREFACE XIviet Union, the Wehrmacht classified Jews as partisans and therebymade them acceptable military targets. To retaliate against the kill-ing of its own soldiers by partisans, the Wehrmacht wiped out wholevillages, executed men and, soon enough, women and children, andotherwise destroyed the means of survival for millions of people.Moreover, relations between the killing squads of the SS and theunits of the Wehrmacht were generally good, and the Wehrmachtearned the praise of Nazi ideologues for assembling Jewish civil-ians and cordoning off killing sites. Wehrmacht soldiers were oftenamong the crowds of spectators who watched the gruesome mur-ders carried out by the SS. By 1942—45, the Wehrmacht had createdhuge death zones in the Soviet Union in order to destroy the 'racial'enemy.Wette's indictment goes beyond the horrible events of World WarII, which he surveys with precision and clarity. He analyzes how theWehrmacht became such a willing partner of the Nazis and exploresthe long-term political and social consequences of the army leader-ship's attitudes.

Long before the Nazis arrived on the political scenein the mid-i920S, the German army held highly prejudicial views ofJews, Slavs, and Bolsheviks and anticipated the Nazi Weltanschau-ung by turning them into the demonic amalgam 'Jewish Bolshe-vism.' Wette begins his book with an analysis of German percep-tions of Russia precisely in order to counter notions of Germany's'fateful entanglement' in the East with precise facts about Ger-mans' prior political views about Russia and the Soviet Union.

Heargues that the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, in combi-nation with the determination to fight the war as an all-or-nothingrace war, was not simply a demented Nazi mission but was co-produced by the German army. Wette traces the long record of anti-Semitism in the army, which not only disdained Jewish officer can-Xll PREFACEdidates all along but also initiated in the middle of World War I thenotorious 'Jew count' in order to determine whether or not Ger-many's Jews were dying at the same rate as Christians (they were).Even before Hitler's prophecies in Mein Kampf, the restless war heroErich Ludendorff imagined the next world war, drawing attentionto both the future demands of total war and the necessity for racialcleansing in order to triumph. In short, terse, precisely formulatedparagraphs, Wette presents the unassailable evidence, making acompelling argument for the long-term military preparation forfighting a racial war to guard Germany's future.

There is no longer acredible foundation for the myth of a 'good' Wehrmacht. And, asWette shows, there is more and more willingness not simply amongscholars but among ordinary German citizens to confront this rec-ord of complicity and of deeply rooted anti-Semitism in early-twentieth -century Germany. The Wehrmacht is a sobering argumentfor confrontation, not evasion, for history, not myth.To try to understand 'Barbarossa' as well as Stalingrad, and tobegin to make sense of the actions of German murderers in BabiYar, outside Kiev, on the way to Stalingrad, Wette plunges the readerinto two chapters on how the German military viewed Russians andhow it viewed Jews. This is the essential historical context for under-standing the racially motivated violence on the eastern front.

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ThenWette presents the evidence for wide-ranging complicity of thearmy in crimes against civilians during World War II. He pursuesthe establishment of the myths that protected the 'clean' Wehr-macht from indictment and finally the work of dismantling thosemyths. Wette's history is written in the active voice. This means thatthe Wehrmacht soldiers analyzed here did not merely find them-selves in the Soviet Union, in inhospitable circumstances. Ratherthey put themselves there. They knew why they were on the easternPREFACE Xlllfront and had been carefully trained for the work they set out to do.Wette's expose has forced a new generation of Germans to confrontthe truth about the army's criminal activity in Nazi Germany's racialwar.

Cossacks Back To War Crack Deutsch Englisch

I know of only two mods (not counting mod1, which is just a reskin of most units):Imperia:This one adds a lot, new units, new gameplay mechanics, a new century. It plays quite a bit different from the original. To get this working with Steam (and still be able to play the original) you best copy the whole 'bin' folder of Cossacks: BtW and install the mod into that, you can then start the mod from that folder. (Also, if you have Win7/Vista, don't forget to close explorer.exe via the taskmanager to get rid of the weird colours).Camillo Realism Mod:Tweaks some variables (a lot actually) to make the game more realistic. Have not really tried this one yet, not even sure whether I got it even working, but hey, it's there, try it.